Breaking Free from Anxiety: Therapeutic Strategies for Inner Peace

By Kathryn Grooms

Anxiety is an all-too-common struggle in today’s fast-paced world. With constant demands and expectations placed upon us, it can feel overwhelming to manage the emotions that come with anxiety. Yet,…

The Power of Gratitude

Years ago my family started this tradition of creating a Gratitude Tree each November. This…

hobby and mental health

How My Hobby Improved My Mental Health

When Covid-19 forced me to spend my days indoors, I quickly learned that I didn’t…

how to stop panic attacks

Breaking Free from Anxiety: A Guide to Managing Panic Attacks

You feel your heart racing, your palms begin to sweat, and your thoughts spiral out…

how to find a safe space


My Safe Space Imagine, you are taking a walk in a quaint little village in…

how to deal with grief

(Re)Learning How to Grieve Death Loss by a Grieving Therapist

Most folks look forward to the summer months. What’s not to love about barbeques, days…

Pride month NYC

My Path to PRIDE

Like many members of the LGBTQ community, I didn’t feel prideful when I first realized…