
Coping with the Fast Pace of Manhattan

By Kathryn Grooms

Living in Manhattan is synonymous with embracing a fast-paced lifestyle that can be both exhilarating and exhausting. The city’s vibrant energy and endless opportunities come hand in hand with its…

Embrace Gratitude When Enough is Enough

Embrace Gratitude: When Enough is Enough

Often when I hold initial conversations with my clients, they’re in the midst of their…

Daring Way Workshops - What Can I Get Out of Them

Daring Way™ Workshops: What Can I Get Out of Them?

I often receive inquiries from individuals who share that they’ve read the numerous books written…

How Therapy Helped Me Train for a Marathon

How Therapy Helped Me Train for a Marathon

For the past 5 months, I have been training to run the New York City…

The Stories We Tell Ourselves_ Moving from ‘Shoulding’ to ‘Wanting’ through Therapy

The Stories We Tell Ourselves: Moving from ‘Shoulding’ to ‘Wanting’ through Therapy

From an early age, we begin to learn stories. We hear stories about wizards, princesses,…

Words have power

WORDS MATTER: Especially When We’re Talking to Ourselves

I said to a client yesterday, you never hear a fan of a sporting event…

happy woman enjoying the view on morning mountain valley

We all need an Anthem Playlist!

I can’t remember the last time I was moved as much as I was by…